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Back your strategy with enhanced market access

Why Lime International?

Lime Trading (CY) Ltd is a leading European brokerage firm revolutionising the way people trade and invest. Clients in over 80 countries trade stocks, options, futures and bonds on more than 100 global markets from a single unified platform.

Lime International is an innovative FinTech product designed and created by Lime Trading (CY) Ltd that provides our Clients a gateway to a universe of international financial markets. 

Discover our truly global network boasting broad market access across both developed and emerging markets

Integrity & Transparency
  • Market-neutral execution delivery for privacy
  • Transparent pricing
  • No internalization or payment for order flow
Flexibility & Scalability
  • Customized smart order routers to maximize fill rates
  • Platforms and technology for a range of trading styles
Reliability & Performance
  • Trade execution directly on exchanges
  • Technology focused on low latency
  • Customer service with a human touch