Asset Classes

Fast, reliable access to the global markets,
powered by a broker committed to helping you


Access US stock and equity options markets with Lime Trader, a customizable platform with easy-to-use trading tools.

  • Streamlined trading interface with real-time streaming quotes
  • Access to U.S. securities including stocks, options, ETFs & ADRs
  • Mobile app with complete charts and synced watch lists
  • Fully customizable charts
  • Trade directly from charts
  • Web-based trading platform


Open and fund an account for options contracts to leverage price movements. 

Multi-Leg Options

Place a multi-leg option order on Lime Trader and execute up to four legs, so you can set the net price for the entire strategy at once.

  • Preset strategies give you a starting place to load your trade ticket
  • Gain/loss calculator shows you max gain, max loss and breakeven points
  • Position management features let you select and open, close, or roll option legs
  • Position views rollup calculations by strategy and underlying so you can track your portfolio’s profit and loss (P&L) and Greek values