What is Rule 15c3-5?
Before an order is eligible to be sent for execution, it must pass through a broker’s pre-trade risk check to ensure the order is not violating any pre-determined thresholds. This rule is known as Rule 15c3-5, but what is this rule exactly? Bob Iaccino...
Data Colocation, Algo Data Feeds, and Other Impacts on Speed
When it comes to algorithmic trading, it’s no secret that success is often tied to speed. In a situation where trades are being sent at the speed of light, speed matters, especially to algo traders. If it’s no longer a secret, how can you get an edge? Algorithm Data...
A Technology Company That Also Happens To Be A Broker
Bob Iaccino interviews Johan Sandblom, Lime Execution’s Head of Institutional Business Development. 0:24 About Johan 1:00 Primary Responsibilities 1:28 Who Does LIME Compete with? 2:45 Value Proposition at LIME 4:25 What Makes LIME Stand Out? 5:56 Is...