Complex Strategies
Presented Simply
Clients approved for the appropriate options trading level can trade options strategies comprising up to four legs as one order
Why do traders use Multi-leg options?
Multi-leg options allow you to trade up to 4 option legs simultaneously
· Create a strategy that fits your risk profile
· Define your max loss and margin requirements
· Execute simultaneously to reduce execution risk
To Learn more about multi-leg options
With multi-leg options orders, you can simultaneously buy and sell options, potentially reducing the market risk from executing single legs, allowing you to specify the net price.

Strategy templates
Templates help you load the most common strategies.
The ticket helps you further customize the strategy to your goals, including the ability to add or remove legs.
Strategies are shown with quotes for each leg, and an overall estimated strategy quote.
Download ‘Intro to Multi-leg options’ eBook that presents more information on strategies and associated risks, including examples.
Gain/Loss Calculator
As you adjust your strategy, the line chart updates with streaming data to show the max gain, loss and breakeven points.
This can help you understand the risk/reward available and adjust your strategy accordingly.

Position Views
TThe Position Views allow you to monitor data at the strategy, underlying group or individual contract level. Data includes greeks, margin requirements, and more.
This lets you review your overall exposure and allows you to make the adjustments you may want to make.
Position Management
The Position Management feature simplifies your trading workflow:
- Checkboxes guide your position selection
- Close – exit positions
- Roll – close positions and open new ones
- Add to – increase allocation to strategy

1Click on Option Chain
2Select New Order
6Place a trade by choosing Send Order
What is the charge to trade options?
The online cost to trade options is $0.50 per contract.
Do I need to update my account in order to trade options?
Yes, you will need to update your account with an options agreement. Please submit the Option Account Agreement via document upload or scan and email it to [email protected].
How do I exercise my options?
To exercise an option, please submit a request from your email address on file to [email protected]. The email must include your account number, name, number of contracts to be exercised, and the option symbol to be exercised. Funds to cover the cost of exercise must be in the account prior to submitting the request, or the request will be rejected due to insufficient funds
When can I exercise my options?
Requests to exercise options can be submitted at any point before 3:00 PM EST on the last trading day prior to the date of expiration. Please note that for a request to be processed the same day, it must be received via email prior to 3:00 PM EST. Please submit the request to [email protected].
Where can I see that my options are exercised?
You can view your exercised options on your monthly statement and on your Score Priority trading account. To view your statements online, click on the “Reports” button located inside of the Cabinet. To view the exercise transaction, select a two-day time range after the day that you submitted the assigned request.
How much does it cost when I exercise my options?
There is a $20 fee per exercise or assignment. This fee is charged on a per option symbol basis.
When are my options assigned?
Given the option contract, options held short can be assigned at any time. Options are generally automatically exercised if in the money at expiration, but may not always be exercised. Long option holders can request to not exercise contracts.
How much does it cost when my options are assigned?
There is a $20 fee per exercise or assignment. This fee is charged on a per option symbol basis.
Where can I see that my options are assigned?
You can view whether your options are assigned on your monthly statement and on your Score Priority online trading account. To view your statements online, click on the “Reports” button located inside of the client portal My Account. To view the assigned transaction, select a two-day time range after the day that you submitted the assigned request.
Which orders can I place on stocks under $1?
You may place a buy or sell order for limit orders. You may only place a sell order for market orders. Market orders are not supported for opening transactions of OTC securities.
Which option orders can I make? What is the maximum risk level allowed?
Score Priority offers clients with cash and IRA accounts the ability to purchase calls and puts and write covered calls (if approved). Qualified margin accounts have the ability to write uncovered calls and puts (if approved). Qualified margin accounts must have a minimum of $25,000 in equity to write uncovered puts and a minimum of $100,000 in equity to write uncovered calls. Complex option strategies, including spreads and straddles, will be added in the coming months.
Are options margin eligible at Score Priority?
No, options cannot be borrowed against at Score Priority.
Do you allow cash-covered puts?
At this time, cash-covered puts are not available.
Does Score Priority offer streaming option quotes?
Yes. streaming option quotes are available on the Score Priority platforms.
Does Score Priority provide option charting or historical option pricing information?
Yes, these are available in the Score Priority Trading Platform.