
Lime International offers affordable pricing for a range of investment products



ECN $0.003 per share each execution.
(Trading Activity Fee)
$0.000119 per share each execution (Max $5.95 per order) $0.002 per option contract (Max $4.75 and Min $0.01 per order)
(Security and Exchange Commission)
$0.0000278 per each dollar of sale proceeds.
(Option Regulatory Fee)
$0.033 per contract each execution.
(Option Clearing Corporation)
 $0.055 per contract each execution (Max $5.50 and $0.01 per order)
Per Contract $0.65 per contract each execution
Surcharge $0.003 per share
Max fee amount per order $3.00  
Brokerage commission $0.006 per share
Minimum per order $1.00


Funding Requirements

The availability of trading strategies is determined by your Account Category:

Account CategoryLeverage AvailableInitial MarginTrading Strategies AvailableFunding Requirements
Basic1:1100%Option trading is not permittedLess than $1 000
Advanced1:1100%Covered Call, Long Call, Long Put$1 000 - $10 000
PremierUp to 1:617%No restrictionsGreater than $10 000

Сore trading/extended hours trading periods

Margin Requirements for Premier Account Category depend on core trading or extended hours trading periods and on a security type according to the following rules:

Security typeLeverage available for core tradingLeverage available for extended hoursConditions
S&P 5001:61:2Rule for all S&P 500 securities
Penny Stock1:11:1If price < $3
OTC1:11:1OTC securities
All else1:41:1For any other securities, except S&P 500, Penny Stock, and OTC
Core trading period lasts from 09:05 am up to 03:35 pm Eastern Time on weekdays.
Please keep these rules in mind when trading to avoid facing margin calls and forced position closures.