Trade Execution

High Frequency Trading
Through a choice of low latency gateways, we provide systematic traders direct market access to the US Equity and Options venues via a choice of APIs, FIX, Binary or trading applications.
Our smart order routers and benchmark algos can help you manage quant trading, monitor risk and maximize fill rates on the US venues. Ask our team how we can help you find the right tools for your performance.
Low Latency Gateway
Time is money.
Your brokerage firm is responsible for a mandatory pre-trade risk check on your orders before they go to the exchange, but is your broker taking too long to process your orders?
We know you don’t want a broker who wastes time. That’s why Lime’s pre-trade risk check takes single-digit microseconds.
We built Lime’s network specifically for low latency, leveraging dark fiber links to the exchange venues so you use our low latency gateways to trade on the major US equity and options venues.
The Lime Gateway scales horizontally to handle virtually any order flow, and integrates through normalized and optimized C++, JAVA APIs or via FIX.

Lime Connect
- Simplified API for integration of trading workflow and strategies
- Available in FIX, API (C++, Java and Python)
- Arista 7150 350 nano second switches
Connect Gateway Performance
- Wire-to-wire single-digit microseconds
- Scales to +400,000 messages per second
Lime Binary
- Minimal integration due to clients leveraging native protocol
- Arista 7150 350 nano second switches
Binary Gateway Performance
- Wire-to-wire low single digit microseconds
- Scales to +1 million messages per second
Both Gateways
- In-line 15c3-5 compliance pre-trade risk check
- Buying Power & Margin Support for REG-T, Portfolio Margin
- Buying Power utilizes OCC TIMS methodology for Portfolio Margin

Lime Smart Order Router
Is your smart order router smart enough?
Lime’s algorithmic trading platform gives quant traders access to multiple markets, fast execution, customizable settings, and execution reporting. If you’re looking for trade execution while minimizing market impact, the Lime algorithms can help you intelligently route and execute orders for price and speed to the market.
Highly customizable using multi-phase strategy
Sequential or parallel access to all lit, inverted, and dark markets
Selectable aggression settings and order options (e.g., limit max display quantity)
Benchmark Algorithms
Execute large orders with algorithms that provide performance and flexibility. Lime’s algorithms are readily customized and adjusted for Lime’s extensive historical tick data. Leveraging the Lime smart router and data, you can benefit from Lime’s market access and low latency order as well as direct feed handling technologies.
Featured Equities and Benchmark Strategies:
Volume-Weighted Average Price (VWAP)
Minimizes the slippage against the volume weighted average price over the course of the order
Time-Weighted Average Price (TWAP)
Executes desired quantity at a constant rate over a user-defined interval
Percentage of Volume (POV)
Tracks and reacts to real-time market volumes to target a user-defined participation rate
Smart Order Algorithms

Lime Smart Router
Aggressive liquidity seeking algorithm that optimizes speed to interact with displayed and non-displayed markets.

Dark Sweeper
Dark Sweeping algorithm seeks to optimize sourcing dark liquidity while lowering transaction costs.

Cost Effective
Aggressive liquidity seeking algorithm with objective to lower transaction costs on displayed and non-displayed markets.

Neutral to aggressive algorithm with objective not to pay full spread on available liquidity.

Accesses liquidity for all venues supporting invisible or hidden order types.